Product Spotlight & Hair Maintenance

Product Spotlight  



Dermaheal Hair Concentrating Serum Dermaheal Hair Concentrating Serum
Dermaheal Hair Concentrating Serum is a daily serum that is applied to scalp to help induce new hair follicles, hair growth and stop hair loss.


Cherry Blossom Ginseng

 It’s the perfect blend of cherry blossom extracts and ginseng root to rejuvenate the scalp and hair follicle to add volume at the root while replenishing your hair with nourishing rice milk and bamboo extract for hydration and shine.
Safe For Color-Treated Hair • Safe For All Hair Types

To insure good hair care quality education is key. It is very important to keep in mind that hair weave is not a magic cure for already damaged hair. It is only an added extension of the beauty that's already there. Virgin hair extensions requires the same amount of  TLC that is required for your very own natural hair. Remember longevity depends on YOUR maintenance.



We hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is no absolute way to prevent shedding. It does not matter what vendor you purchase your hair from or where. Shedding is inevitable. What you should know is that it is also normal. The natural hair growing out of your very own scalp sheds. What isn't normal is excessive shedding. Thick strands and clumps of hair should not be coming out at every turn. To make sure hair does not shed excessively and is kept to a very light minimal, we strongly encourage you to notify your stylist to follow the key instructions.

  • Do not punch needle through the wefts or pierce the wefts; this leads to increase in shedding and lessens the quality of the hair.
  • If you are getting a sewn-in weave, please make sure that your stylist sew in the wefts by looping and tying the weave thread under and over the weft in blanket stitch.
  • Keep the use of curling, flat irons, and other excessive use of heating appliances to a minimum. The more heat you use on virgin hair - the shorter the lifespan. As with your own natural hair, heat causes breakage and shedding. You can safely use heat when you apply a heat protectant to the hair because it will block the high temperatures and prevent hair breakage. Curling irons are not always necessary for styling. Flexi-rod curlers, pillow rollers, and heatless hair setters will set your hair to your perfect desired style without heat. These items can be purchased at your local beauty supply retailer,, Walgreens, Target or Walmart stores.
  • Wear a satin scarf over your hair at night. A secure satin scarf will keep your hair from snagging, drying out and breaking during your sleep.
  • Please use an ionic dryer because it produces negative ions that help to break down water molecules and take less time for the hair to dry at a lower temperature. 
  • Lastly, keep your hands out of your hair. This is the golden rule that mom used to enforce when we were all little girls, and it still applies today. Playing in your hair causes damage. When you are constantly running your fingers and hands through your hair all the time, yanking, and tugging at the weft, you may not realize this but - YOU ARE PULLING YOUR HAIR OUT! Although it may take some getting used to, it’s very important to keep your hands out of your hair. The only time it is necessary is after you wash and during the styling process. That’s it.

DO'S and DON'T'S

  • Do not split the weft. Although many stylists like to do this - please know that splitting wefts are not necessary and will do more harm to the hair than good.
  • Don't cut the wefts.
  • If you cut the wefts, seal each end with Weft glue.
  • Do clip the ends of the hair every 6-8 weeks or at time of re-install.


Because the hair you have purchased is of top virgin quality you must treat it as such, or the result will be dry , dull, tangled, damaged and unmanageable hair. It is imperative to utilized products that restore and maintain virgin hair natural qualities (soft, silk, tangled free)
Sulfate-free and silicone free hair products is a must:!
  • We are very anti-chemical. The use of products heavy in alcohol, sulfates, parabens, and other chemicals are not at all recommended, but if you decide to do so please proceed with caution.
  • We highly recommend liquid gold weft glue for weft sealing or weave bonding.
  • Use a ph 7 or neutral shampoo; sulfate free. Examples of shampoos that contain sulfate: Head and Shoulders, Herbal Essence, etc.
  • Use alcohol free styling aids (mouse, hair jams) sparingly
  • Greasy products will result in weighed down hair, lost of natural texture and increase chance of tangling.


Keeping your hair conditioned regularly helps to avoid excessive use of  hair products. One of the biggest myths about people of color and ethnic hair is that you need to have a constant rotation of hair moisturizers, sprays, gels, grease and oils to maintain healthy hair. This is not true. Natural hair is already strong, which is why so many people accidentally abuse it with rough treatment. Believe it nor not; wide tooth combs, natural ingredients such as virgin olive oil, a good shampoo/conditioner, water and your own fingers are the best tools and products for ethnic hair.
If you are interested in using hair care products we do have some recommendations: 



  • Exchange conditioner for shampoos wash
  • Wash hair in a downward motion


  • Always comb your hair from the bottom up


Distribute conditioner and a wide tooth comb to virgin hair thoroughly before shampooing


  • Before shampooing, ensure tangle free.
  • Utilize wide tooth comb.
  • Always comb or brush hair from bottom up.
  • Shampoo at least once weekly.
  • Curly textures more often.